What The Happiest Country in the World Taught us

In 2022, Finland was ranked number one in the World Happiness Report. Although this study can be rather subjective, in just the short amount of time we were in the country we witnessed first hand the sense of strong community, job satisfaction, transparent support from the government and many other aspects that could be linked to people’s overall contentment. How can we replicate what the Finns are doing or experiencing? We realize there are many things in life that are out of our control. But even with modification, there are plenty of Finnish habits we can adopt in our routine to improve our well-being. We highlighted five things that we could all incorporate in our daily life that may lead to huge gains in overall health and even this subjective thing called happiness.

Fresh Water For All

Finland happens to have some of the highest quality tap water in the world. Easy accessibility to this basic necessity of life is thanks to the amount of bodies of water through out the country; in fact, there are over 150,000 lakes and 150 rivers. We found amazing tasting water not only from the dispensers at airports and cafes but even straight from the faucet. So maybe think twice on what kind of water you are drinking and where it is coming from.

The Versatility of Berries

We were well educated on the varieties of berries used in Finnish cuisine. In addition to the powerful antioxidant properties, Finland features the full capacity of berries in flavor, color and presentation. Cloudberry, an orange looking raspberry is a wonderful way to introduce sweetness and tartness to your favorite pastry or bread. Bilberry, a variety of blueberries, possesses a more intense, tangy flavor that is a perfect addition in a cocktail. And we found that black currants not only provide acidity but also create a nice violet hue in sauces.

Health Benefits of Sauna

The sauna is fundamental in Finnish culture. Improvements in blood circulation, detoxification and stress management are some of the health benefits seen when your body is exposed to an enclosed warm environment of 176–230 °F (80–110 °C). The health boosting effects go a step farther if you plunge yourself right into cold water. Research indicates enhancement in immunity, reduction in inflammation and even an increase in those feel good hormones that affect mood and confidence. Don’t be surprised to see locals enjoying a cold beer or a warm sausage while lounging in the sauna. One way that you could incorporate this is to consider taking alternating warm and cold showers to boost your immune system.

The Maximal Concept of Minimalist Design

Restricting to the bare essentials is difficult in a world of overconsumption. Many of the restaurants, cafes and accommodations in Finland were presented in a sleek, clean and simple manner. Less is sometimes more when it comes to minimalist design: limiting excessive decorations, focusing on neutral colors, avoiding the over utilization of materials, etc. You never know, your surrounds could affect your general mental and emotional health.

The Daily Fika

Fika originated in Sweden, however, this concept of taking a coffee break is also very prominent in Finland. The long standing transition is more than just grabbing a warm beverage and/or pastry, it is about taking a moment to relax and socialize with family and friends. Incorporating this daily ritual revitalizes brain function and builds stronger relationships.

Do you think it is possible to integrate all of these beliefs in your daily life? Or do you already embrace a few of these habits and care to share your experiences? We would love to hear from you! Stay tuned! More travels coming soon!


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