We Moved…Again…

The past six months have been a wild rollercoaster. We truly apologize for being M.I.A. for this long period of time. No doubt it would be an understatement to say it has been difficult being away from friends and loved ones. However, this necessary absence has giving us time to reflect on the priorities in our life. It has also provided a moment for us to re-engage in activities that we have neglected for a number of years. Most importantly, we had some time to re-discover ourselves.

Sometimes we get lost in the haze of distractions, the relentless expectations and noise of media. It takes courage to remove yourself from toxic environments; to spark change within and ultimately do something that is best for you. It probably is no surprise to some people since we move every two to three years. We are constantly searching for a sense of belonging. Yet at the same time, this nomadic lifestyle ignites new adventures, excitements and thrills that we may not necessary find back at home. We made tremendous sacrifices in the past, only to realize that the road ahead is full of endless challenges. The only difference now is we freed ourselves from some major constraints and made a full commitment to bettering ourselves. Even if it is only for a short period of time.

Many thought we were crazy. Most will not understand this motive. Quite frankly, it doesn't matter to us. At the moment we are happy to do things on our terms. We’ve had this dream for years. Slowly saving money towards this goal. The pandemic naturally delayed things but we never lost sight of this desire. In the spring of 2021, we started putting this ambition into effect. We did nonstop research and had to seek several outside sources because we discovered that what we wanted to do wasn’t entirely clear. After jumping through all the hoops, we put our application in for our visas and after days, months and years of waiting… we turned our dream into a reality. We made the BIG move. We are in France and have been living in Paris since the end of June 2022. We are very excited to share with you what we have been up to and of course, some amazing trips that are coming in the near future. Get ready to be a part of this adventure.


Thanksgiving Away from Home


Day 24: Porto Part 3