French Roast Chicken - Au Chapon d'Aligre

Inside the Marche d'Aligre, you will find one of the best rotisserie chickens in Paris. Many Americans will say the size of the bird is much smaller than the ones they're used to at home. But don't let the size deceive you. Quality over quantity. It's perfectly crispy on the outside and beautifully moist and tender on the inside. And all their chickens are seasoned with just salt and pepper.

Au Chapon d'Aligre also offers other various meats and fishes. But their poulet roti or French roast chicken is what they are really known for. The butcher will place the warm bird right in an insulated bag, ready to be eaten on the spot. FYI: the Marche d'Aligre has a wonderful outdoor market where they sell fresh fruit and vegetables. It's the indoor portion of the market where you will find the roasted chicken. So go ahead! Grab a bottle of wine, a baguette and you're ready for a "pique nique."

Pictured: Le poulet roti

Notable Mentions

I’ll Have What Phil’s Having: Phil joins french American chef Alix at a market known for their rotisserie chicken flavored only with salt and pepper. They then go to a local park and enjoy their feast on a ping pong table.

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