Les Deux Magots

Its amazing how places like Les Deux Magots retain their history and charm over the years. This iconic cafe opened in 1885 and is still a popular tourist destination in Paris. It attracted well known artists and writers like Picasso, Hemingway and James Joyce. Before its transformation into a cafe, Les Deux Magots de la Chinea was a fabric/novelty shop specializing in silk and lingerie. Now the only thing left to pay homage to its past business are the statues of two Chinese magicians hung on the walls.

That being said, it still has the feel and vibes of 1885. Much of the structure and decor appears well preserved and untouched. The staff is still dressed in bow-ties and vests. Unfortunately we can not speak for the food that is served at Les Deux Magots. But what we can say is that they do make a fine cup of tea and coffee. The real reason for a visit is their signature hot cocoa or in French, Le Chocolat des Deux Magots à l'ancienne. Although their hot chocolate is very thick compared to American standards, it has all the right elements: it's creamy, rich and has the right amount of sweetness.

Just stepping foot in the building is worth the trip. It can't get any better than sitting in a charming, classic French cafe with a live jazz band and a hot beverage in your hand. No wonder this was the perfect rendez-vous for all those legendary intellectuals.

Pictured: Le Chocolat des Deux Magots à l'ancienne

Notable Mentions

AFAR: “One part tourist trap, one part beloved café, Les Deux Magots is a legendary spot that everyone should visit at least once when in Paris.”

Time Out: “The hot chocolate is still good, though, and served in generous portions. Visit on a weekday afternoon when the editors return, manuscripts in hand, to the inside tables, leaving enough elbow room to engage in some serious discussion.”

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